President’s Message

Message from the President
Message from the President
Since its establishment in 1964, Star Seiki has earned a solid reputation as a manufacturer of automation
and labor-saving products for “manufacturing sites”.
Especially in the field of “take-out robots for injection molding machines,” we have always held the top share.
We are very grateful for the trust and support of our customers.
After the end of the Corona disaster, society will enter a new era with drastic changes in the way we work
and our living environment. In order to meet the diversifying needs of our customers in this new era,
Star Seiki will propose optimal robot system concepts in all fields, drawing on our wealth of experience
and achievements. We consider it our mission to fulfill our customers’ expectations and requests,
and will work with them to create a better smart factory for a new era.
and labor-saving products for “manufacturing sites”.
Especially in the field of “take-out robots for injection molding machines,” we have always held the top share.
We are very grateful for the trust and support of our customers.
After the end of the Corona disaster, society will enter a new era with drastic changes in the way we work
and our living environment. In order to meet the diversifying needs of our customers in this new era,
Star Seiki will propose optimal robot system concepts in all fields, drawing on our wealth of experience
and achievements. We consider it our mission to fulfill our customers’ expectations and requests,
and will work with them to create a better smart factory for a new era.

President and Representative Director:
Yoichi Shiotani